
Eventually They Will Lose Control

Cross-posted @ Daily Kos

We all hear the reports about the "angry protesters" at the health care townhalls around the country. And it is becoming increasingly obvious, even to those who are in denial about it that this so called "spontaneous uprising" is being promoted by the GOP and people in the media on the conservative side of things. They are encouraging these people to go and be rude and disorderly. They are encouraging these people to give death threats (while simultaneously trying to seem like they are trying to tamp down on the violence).

While they might be "controlling" these people now, they will eventually lose control of them. We saw it during the election when people started yelling that Obama was a terrorist at McCain/Palin rallies.

The last week or so we have been hearing a lot about these protests at town hall meetings. We've seen a U.S. House Representative laugh over the possibility of his Democratic colleagues being lynched by these "angry" mobs. Now it's escalated to the point where the "protesters" are encouraging each other to carry firearms to the townhalls and use them if they feel someone is being rude and disruptive (sounds like they should be shooting each other if that is the case). It's only going to get worse. Now Palin has reared her head in our airspace once again to accuse Obama of trying to kill her child (but don't mention her kids).

The Republicans created this monster, and they aren't going to be able to control it. The situation is rapidly reaching the point where they WON'T be able to pull back. Remember the McCain/Palin rallies? By the time McCain realized it looked bad and was starting to get out of hands, it was too late. He literally got booed by his own crowd for saying Obama is a good guy. When the Republicans lose control, it will be too late for them to distance themselves because all of the evidence points to the fact that they are the ones promoting these people. They are the ones who gave the ideas. They are the ones who are playing with the emotions of the fringe of their party. That very same fringe is well on its way to being the MAJORITY in the Republican Party because they will be all that's left.

Who knows how this violence will end up playing out on the street between every day people. In Missouri, people already came to blows over it. The Republican Party, and its cohorts, has been extremely reckless here. They continue to allow people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to play on the racial fears of that very vocal minority and no one checks them on it. Glenn Beck went on his show and fantasized about poisoning Nancy Pelosi, that man is not sane and he has a following.

I don't scare easily, but this situation is rapidly getting out of control.

Cross-posted @ Daily Kos
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